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Depending on the time of day and location, incidents create 55-60% of the congestion on highways in Nevada.
Identifying the severity and location of a crash can significantly shorten the response and clearance times, it may even save lives.
An accident that occurs as a result of congestion or distraction from a prior crash is referred to as a secondary accident.
Exact figures on the number of secondary accidents are difficult to calculate. Preliminary results of a study by UNLV indicate that as many as 22% of all incidents in the Las Vegas region are the result of an earlier crash.
Secondary crashes can potentially be more serious than the original crash as motorists become impatient and distracted with their driving. National studies show that as many as 18% of secondary crashes result in a fatality.
Every minute a crash remains in traffic
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The TIM Coalition is funded by the Nevada Department of Transportation as a statewide project in Nevada. The Department of Transportation partners with the Nevada Department of Public Safety, Highway Patrol in the implementation of safe, quick clearance TIM. There are six (6) centralized locations in Nevada where stakeholders gather bi-monthly: Reno and Las Vegas. Other coalition meetings are held bi-annually in Winnemucca, Elko, Ely, and Tonopah.

If you would like to have more information about this project please contact:

TIM Coalition Project Manager for NDOT:

Juan Hernandez, NDOT

Email: jchernandez@dot.nv.gov
Phone: (775) 888-7567

TIM Consultant – Parsons Transportation Group:

Pat Gallagher, Project Manager

Email: Pat.Gallagher@parsons.com
Phone: (702) 789-2028

David Strawn,

NV TRIP Operations Manager /
Incident Management Specialist

Email: david.strawn@parsons.com 
Phone: (702) 789-2027

Kim Peters,

Traffic Incident Management Program Specialist

Email: kim.peters@parsons.com 
Phone: (714) 334-5607

TIM Coalition DPS – Nevada State Police Contacts:

NSP Southern Command Nevada 

Captain Yvan Pittmon (Las Vegas)

Email: ypittmon@dps.state.nv.us

NSP Northern Command Nevada 

Captain Scott Simon (Reno)

Email: msimon@dps.state.nv.us

NSP Northern Command Nevada (Rural – Elko)

Lieutenant Jeff Howell (Elko/Rural)

Email: jhowell@dps.state.nv.us

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Got questions? Need Training? We’d love to get back with answers. Please fill the form below and we will get back with you. 

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